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 school zone traffic flow

When leaving and receiving your children in the two stopping lanes, please pull right up to the stop line to allow the lanes to fill with other vehicles. Children need to be ready to exit the vehicle with their belongings to support a prompt drop-off. When exiting the school, you must turn left.

If you plan to park, please respect our neighbours and only park in designated parking areas along the street.

New Safety Upgrades in Brander Gardens - August 2023


Please be aware of the new changes to the traffic rules in the Brander Gardens neighbourhood adjacent to TEMPO School. 
It is important for everyone's safety that the traffic rules are followed. We also want to be good neighbours and respect the residents and businesses. 

On 148th Street: 

DO NOT block driveways.

Please allow residents to enter the flow of traffic.  They also have to get to work, appointments, school, etc.  

The best way to access the school is from 56th Avenue to prevent heavy traffic in the cul de sacs along 148th Street, which were not created to manage this kind of traffic.  

On Riverbend Road:

DO NOT crowd or block the pedestrian crossing at Riverbend Rd and 56th Ave.  There is a clearly marked stop line.  (with the road resurfacing it will be re-marked over the next week)

The speed limit is 30 km/hr entering and exiting the neighbourhood.  

Please watch for pedestrians at the designated crosswalks.  

For older students: consider dropping them off farther away from the school and allowing them to walk, or have them take the bus.  If dropped off, it would be a 10 minute walk which is feasible in all weather.  From the bus stop it would be 5 minutes or less. (see map) 

Letter to Families - October 8, 2021 addresses traffic safety concerns in further detail.

Please note, all parking stalls in the school parking lot have been designated as staff parking or student waiting area. Please do not park in the parking lot during the school day. An empty spot at any time during the day does not mean a stall is available for non-staff parking.