The teachers at Tempo School understand that their work matters, and this shows in their determination to see students succeed. At Tempo School, teachers are committed to excellence and are dedicated to investing in those they teach.
Committed to excellence
As you walk into the staff room at Tempo School, you will find each teacher sitting quietly at a workstation, concentrating on lesson preparation for the week.Traditional, teacher-directed learning is the model used at the private school located in Edmonton, Alberta. Consequently, teachers take personal responsibility for ensuring top-‐level education. As Mr. Hiedebrecht, a history teacher stated, “Here my colleagues are invested in their careers; they want to make this school a great school. They care about their students and they care about one another.”
The teachers are also experts in their fields of study. From B. Eds to PhDs, most of the teachers are specialized in the subject matter they teach. This specialization allows for an enhanced curriculum and for an extensive emphasis on a child’s academic advancement.
Dedicated to Students
At Tempo, the student/teacher relationship is unique and unlike that in any other school. Here, students derive the benefits from attending a school from kindergarten to grade 12. In addition to this, staff members are very deeply committed to the philosophy and practices of the school. Because of this long-term familiarity, strong lasting relationships are built.
Mr. Gannon, who has taught biology and international politics for 16 years, finds the family culture of the school and the relationships developed at the school to be incredibly rewarding. “You get to see the students from the time they are in kindergarten until the time they graduate. You get to be involved in all their educational years.” The relationships go beyond graduation: students stay in touch and return to the school to visit their former teachers, most of whom have inspired them throughout their grade-school years.
At Tempo, the focus is to equip students for university and for their endeavours thereafter. Every year, the Head of Upper School prepares and guides high school students through the university application process. For senior students, it’s not a matter of if they are going to university: it’s a matter of where they are going to university. And, more often than not, students have multiple options from which to choose.
Commitment to both excellence and dedication guide the teachers at Tempo School to do what they do best: to educate and to equip their students for success.
Click to learn more about Tempo School, where teachers see more than a classroom: they see a calling.